“Chile for Olympic Gold”

If there was an Olympic competition for the most beautiful country in the world, Chile would certainly be on the podium and the crowd would be shouting – “Chile for Olympic Gold”


On Sara Wheeler’s travels through Chile a drunk told her this legend about his country.


When God created the world he had a handful of everything left – deserts, mountains, lakes, glaciers – and he put it all in his pocket


But there was a hole in this pocket, and as God walked across heaven it all trickled out, and the trail it made on earth was Chile


That drunk must have known a lot about Chile.  For Chile is a ridiculously beautiful country, so diverse, accessible and dramatic. It really is – “Chile for Olympic Gold”.


Ridiculous because the spaghetti sized Chile stretches from the sub-tropics to Antarctica – but is only as wide as the English Channel.


A beautiful country, because its western side is brushed by the Pacific ocean and its east by the greatest mountain chain on earth. Its landscapes are nearly perfect.


Landscapes  of Chile

1 Deserts

In the north is the stark and stunning Atacama desert. The driest place on earth with pink mountains and hidden oasis.



2 Flowers

The central part of the country makes you feel as if you are in the ‘Mediterranean’. The flora are an endemic hotspot of biodiversity.  Valleys of colour, exotic and perfumed air.


3 Mountains & Lakes

Further south are the most gorgeous lakes and snow clad mountains. A photographers dream, surreal and silent.



Further south still, within a short sea journey to Antactica, you will find glaciers, cold winds and short days.


It takes a great imagination to consider your country as being the remains of bits and pieces lying in the bottom of Gods pocket.

When God created the world he had a handful of everything left – deserts, mountains, lakes, glaciers – and he put it all in his pocket

But there was a hole in this pocket, and as God walked across heaven it all trickled out, and the trail it made on earth was Chile

Perhaps he was just ‘drunk’ on the beauty of his country.



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