Kids for conservation

The Living Wild team, Paula and I, take every opportunity to speak to as many school and youth groups as possible.  Whilst we were at the Lihue Calel National Park we met one group on an annual end of school year trip.

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We talk about the need to protect wildlife and why environmental conservation is good and sometimes these chats turn to other things.

Foremost in most kids’ minds is FOOTBALL.  So we conducted a ‘ straw poll ‘ of the group, who supported River Plate or La Boca.  Most supported La Boca, but Paula only had a new River Plate team jersey (a present for brother Neil) and so these supporters posed for a photo.

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At the Wayquecha research station in Peru we met up with another school from Lima.


One of the things we discussed was how Lima was running short of water.  The population of the city is growing at a crazy rate and the glaciers, far away in the Andes, that supply Lima with its water are receding fast.

For their sake and their children’s future, let’s hope the Climate Change conference going ahead right now in Paris is tough on fossil fuel reduction.


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